This page provides instructions for participating in a competition. If you are looking for the schedule of themes, click the Calendar button. If you are looking for recent competition results, click the Results button.
PFCC provides opportunities for members to submit their photos for competition at the local level (within the Club), and at the regional level (inter-club events). At the local level, competitions are held the third Monday of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm.
Entry photos may be of any age, and may have previously been submitted in other competitions (at Photographers Forum or elsewhere). However, no photo may be resubmitted after it has won an award in a Photographers Forum competition. Print and digital entries are eligible (see specifications below). A photo may be manipulated to fix defects, add texture, enhance elements, or combine it with another photo. The photo(s) and all manipulations must be the original work of the entrant.
Value judgments concerning art are subjective, and the opinion of every club member has worth...but in order for the club judging to be consistent and fair, we offer the following for consideration.
Each judge awards a score of zero to nine (0 to 9) to a photograph. The Photographic Society of America uses the following criteria when determining a score:
Outstanding: “9”
Very high impact to the viewer on first sight
Exemplifies the theme
Technically correct in all respects
Outstanding composition
Outstanding presentation
Tells a complete story or creates a mood for the viewer
Above average: “7” to “8”
High impact to the viewer
Relevant to the theme
Technically correct
Good presentation
Good composition
Good pictorial treatment
Tells a story or creates a mood
Average: “5” to “6”
Little impact or imagination
Relevant to the theme
Technically correct (focus, exposure, etc)
Good color for the subject and background
Below average: “0” to “4”
Little impact or imagination
Not relevant to the theme
Technical flaws (out of focus, over- or under-exposed)
Snapshot type of picture